+41 31 932 44 22

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(+41) 31 932 44 22
(+41) 31 932 40 29
Untere Zollgasse 28
CH-3072 Ostermundigen
The Transverse Tibia Transport (TTT)-Treatment is a new surgical procedure which is based on the principles of Distraction Histogenesis (DH). With our TTT-System a small bone chip (5 x 1,5 cm) is slowly distracted transversely.
During the TTT-Treatment the body is generating his own Stem Cells and Growth Factors. The effect is not only locally but also systemically.
The TTT-Treatment promotes the self-regenerative potential of living tissue and also Neo-Vascularisation.
Schematic illustration of local and systemic responses during Distraction Histogenesis (DH).
At the site of distraction regenerate, expressions of various molecules including BMPs, inflammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors are regulated through during mechanotransduction.
Furthermore, systemic effects of DH also contribute to musculoskeletal regeneration.
This Tibial Transverse Transport System is designed for advance the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer and peripheral avascular conditions. Due to its versatility, the system is specifically indicated for:
— Diabetic foot with I to Ill grade ulcer (DFU)
— Buerger disease (TAO)
— Arterio sclerosis obliterans (ASO)
Loss of popliteal artery pulse.
Other general contraindication for external fixators
L’attelle de cryothérapie de pied et cheville Anklefreez® permet un traitement par le froid de longue durée. La température demeure entre 0° et 5° permettant une application sans brûler la peau.
L’attelle Anklefreez® est fournie avec un chausson. Il est muni de deux packs de froid longue durée FREEZSNOW® (dont un jeu de rechange).
Son système de fermeture par velcro permet d’ajuster le chausson à la taille du patient (taille ajustable).
Diminue l’oedème et les hématomes (action anti-inflammatoire)
Action antalgique favorisant la diminution de la prise médicamenteuse
Rééducation fonctionnelle plus rapide
1/ Sortir une compresse de froid et la positionner sur le pied.
2/ Serrer la poche de froid autour de la cheville et du pied à l’aide des velcros.
3/ Positionner le chausson par-dessus la poche de froid.
4/ Positionner les velcros pour fermer le chausson.
Appliquer le froid par cycles de 20 minutes ou selon le protocole du praticien
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Tenolysis Set (4) in Case
Set includes three double-ended knifes designed to access, probe and
lyse latched tendons in each of their four quadrants. A double-ended
dilator is added to stretch the annular pulleys following the tenolysis.
Abracketed sterilizing case provides protection, portability,
organization and added convenience at low cost.
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Untere Zollgasse 28
CH-3072 Ostermundigen