Nos Solutions Poser une question +41 31 932 44 22 Filters Effacer tout × Membre supérieur × Ames Medical × Arthrosurface × Buxton Medical × Coltrix × Cybion × Filters Articulation Membre inférieur(6) Cheville(2) Genou(3) Pied(4) Membre supérieur(2) Fabriquant Acumed(7) MovMedix(1) Buxton Medical(2) Dassiet(2) NuVasive Specialized Orthopedics (NSO)(1) Spirecut(1) VSY Biotechnology(2) Afficher (2) Annuler Filtré (2) Tenolysis SetArticulations: Membre inférieur, Membre supérieurType: Instruments Tenolysis Set (4) in Case Set includes three double-ended knifes designed to access, probe and lyse latched tendons in each of their four quadrants. A double-ended dilator is added to stretch the annular pulleys following the tenolysis. Abracketed sterilizing case provides protection, portability, organization and added convenience at low cost. Tenolysis Instruments plus d’informations informations détaillées par le fabricant Questions? Remarques? +41 31 932 44 22 Voir plusPartagerCarroll Tendon RetrieverArticulations: Membre supérieurType: Instruments Carroll Tendon Retriever 110 mm reach Jaw articulates on the inferior segment of the shaft 7 x 2 mm jaws Latitudinal serrations Curve of shaft approximates arc of the fingers and palm at rest plus d’informations informations détaillées par le fabricant Questions? Remarques? +41 31 932 44 22 Voir plusPartager Nous contacter CURMED (+41) 31 932 44 22 (+41) 31 932 40 29 Untere Zollgasse 28 CH-3072 Ostermundigen Nom Adresse e-mail Numéro de téléphone Message Envoi