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(+41) 31 932 44 22
(+41) 31 932 40 29
Untere Zollgasse 28
CH-3072 Ostermundigen
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World’s first fully autonomous UV-C robotic system approved (Curmed est distributeur exclusif pour la Suisse)
The UVD Robot is an autonomous mobile robot integrated with a UVC-Light system. It was a co-development project with Odense University Hospital and Danish Healthcare sector.
Advantages of the UVD Robot
Proven by science
Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation is a disinfection method using UV-C light to destroy bacteria’s DNA structure leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions. The microorganisms lose their reproductive capability leaving them inactive and no longer able to spread and infect.
The UVD Robot uses UV-C bulbs radiating at a wavelength of 254nm (gold standard measurement of the disinfection systems).
We have a clear understanding of the UV-C light exposure (dose) required to inactivate microoraganisms. For example:
Does this Autonomous Robot work for Covid-19 ?
Yes, please watch this video to understand how :
See the robot in use in different applications :
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Untere Zollgasse 28
CH-3072 Ostermundigen